Monday, May 11, 2009

musing on 2.0

My head is spinning with new words and terms and concepts. How do I make sense in my head and how do I practically use this information for the good of my library (and me?) I do understand that we need to accomodate our patrons and relate at their point of need. In a secondary school library, I have constant reminders that I need to catch up to what students are already doing with technology and networking. I see my kids using the social sites, getting information from Wikipedia, and very caught up with phones, computers, Ipods, and other technogadgets. Library 2.0 for me will involve changing my traditional thinking in order to meet my student patrons on their ground (or at least a little closer.) I will also have to negotiate with some very traditional teaching setups that may be harder to change. I think the hardest part may be letting go of some of the control that librarians and teachers have had; maybe that is why collaborative efforts can be difficult to begin.

I like to learn by experience; I learned most of my tech skills by doing it daily and trying new things as they came up. This is another "something that came up," and I want it to stick. The reflection aspect may be a little more difficult for me, but it is an important part of learning.

1 comment:

  1. I think you've got Thing 2 done as well now or are there some pieces you'd like to go farther on? TJH Do you need help with Thing 3?
